How Much Does It Cost to Hire Dispatch Riders in Nigeria?

Are you planning to deliver your products to your customers? You need the service of a dispatch rider. Delivery guys are common, offering their services for various prices. If you want to save costs, you have to compare prices and hire the best. So, how much does it cost to hire dispatch riders in Nigeria? Where can I find dispatch riders in Nigeria? What affects the cost of delivering my goods in Nigeria? This article answers all these questions. 

How Much Do Delivery Guys Charge in Nigeria?

Are you afraid that your delivery guy is charging you too much? If you are, you should know how much it costs to get someone to deliver your products to your customers. The prices of delivery in Nigeria range from ₦1000 to ₦10000 and can reach ₦100000. While this might appear to be too expensive to you, you should always remember that there are various factors dispatch riders put into consideration when calculating their fee. Let’s consider the factors that affect the cost of delivery in Nigeria. 

How much does it cost to hire dispatch riders in Nigeria

How Do Dispatch Riders Determine How Much They Charge?

One thing to note about delivery is that there is no fixed cost. So, when you want to hire a dispatch rider in Nigeria, you should keep an open mind. There are lots of things that affect how much you will be charged to deliver your products to your customers. 

The Size of the Goods Affects the Cost of Delivery

How big is what you are transporting? If you are moving a small parcel, you should expect that you won’t be charged much for the service. But if you are moving a large parcel, you should expect to pay more. For example, if you sell top-quality mattresses, you will pay more for delivery service than for a small phone box. 

The Weight of the Goods Affect Delivery Cost

Another thing that affects how much dispatch riders in Nigeria will charge is the weight. The weight refers to how heavy your product or goods is. Most dispatch riders will measure the weight of what you want to deliver and charge you based on that. This means that the heavier your goods, the more money you pay. That is why the delivery cost varies. For example, if you want a dispatch rider to deliver a mobile phone to your customer that does weigh up to one kilogramme, you won’t spend much money like delivering a good that weighs 5kg. 

Distance Affect Delivery Price in Nigeria

Another thing that affects how much it cost to hire dispatch riders in Nigeria is distance. Delivering goods within a one-kilometer radius will not cost much like ten kilometers. Also, if you want to move your goods between states, you should expect to pay more for the service. 

Where Can I Find Dispatch Riders in Nigeria?

There are lots of dispatch riders in Nigeria. If you want to find the best dispatch riders, all you should do is a simple search on Google. This will reveal different dispatch riding services. You can then compare their prices based on the distance, size and weight of what you want to transport. The easiest way to hire dispatch riders in Nigeria is to engage Shopsavis riders. 

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